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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Born again (or at least born)

Well, after a hiatus of longer duration that I'd have liked, I hit the bricks again today, and it was one of those miracle runs. I hardly believe it myself.

First, know that I'm not prone to woo-woo crap. I like the idea of mysticism and auras, but when I witness them, they seem just as goofy as fat-lipped Baptists intoning "repent" at the front of a tent on hot summer nights.

But here I was, having run through the golf course during a beautiful sunrise and along the River's Edge Trail to Giant Springs State Park. I was on my way homeward, about two miles out on the part of the trail that's right by the river — and just west of the very busy Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center — when a motionless mule-deer doe caught my eye. It was in a bright sunbeam or it might have been invisible to me in the jungle-like area near the river. As I passed, I noticed further a lump of a fawn, still wet from birth and struggling to get to its feet beneath the momma. Amazing. I wonder how it'll do, born as it was in the shadow of the L&C center, right in the middle of the L&C Bicentennial, an event that's supposed to draw thousands of "heritage tourists." Stay tuned, I guess. I'll go back there tomorrow and see how (or if) it's doing.

The woo-woo part is seeing this on my first day back in my Keds after battling a nasty little bug. I think I'm supposed to find deeper meaning in this birth, but I'll let it pass for now.

It would have been a memorable run anyway, what with the clear sky, 50-degree temps, another mule deer earlier on the trail (dad?), a profusion of birds unlike any I've seen outside a sanctuary, and foliage that's uncharacteristically green (this is the region of dunn-colored landscapes). That's because we've had almost five inches of rain here so far this month, which is welcome but almost unheard of.

I felt surprisingly good for having had such a break (last run was May 19!). How nice.

Note to Güntboy: No offense taken — I was kidding. But I will try to liven things up a little (note use of the word "crap" above!)

Posted by Mose, 8:41 AM


woo-woo to you, too!
Blogger KarbonKountyMoos, at 7:27 PM  

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