Running on ...

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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Weekend on the river

I skipped Friday in order to go a little longer on Saturday, which I did. I worked all morning, listened to Oklahoma nip Nebraska on the Internet while having a light lunch, then drove to the river where I did my old reservoir run.

That's the one where you go over the river on a bridge that shall remain nameless, then work your way north of the river on some old trails to Scheffels Reservoir, across its dam, up the east side of the coulee and back in a big loop. Today I got to the "peak" of this run, then set off eastward through some winter wheat and some fallow, all the way to the railroad tracks and then the north shore trail (actually a road in this area). I was a little surprised how far east I was on the trail when I hit it -- in sight of Cochrane Dam!

The return on the trail was tough, because it was mostly uphill and all against a 25-40 mph wind. It's probably 45-50 out, so the wind is chilly. Fortunately it's also sunny. I carried water, but didn't drink any. And I met a young woman about a half mile from the north shore trailhead. I warned her to be aware that going back would be hard work. My route took me past the trailhead where she was parked, and on across my bridge to the other side of the river. When I looked back from the high land just north of the Air Force Base to the trailhead, she already was gone, so she must have turned around shortly after I saw her.

Anyway, I figure conservatively that I went

7-1/2; 31-1/2; 114; 654

Finally, a reminder to anyone reading this on Saturday to set your clocks back an hour tonight.
Posted by Mose, 3:12 PM


You know what's funny? If I hadn't read that reminder, I actually would have forgotten to set my clock back!
Blogger Günter, at 9:10 PM  

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