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HOME OF THE 'TALL MAN'... (And you can see the blog pictures below in much greater detail simply by clicking on them)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sucker Creek

Here's lunch time on the range. The gate was open but they weren't interested in leaving their hay. A reminder: A much-enlarged view of the pictures can be had simply by clicking on them.

The tall man today celebrated Mr. Obama's most excellent State of the Union speech last night by choosing the road less traveled. It's Sucker Creek Road northeast of Lincoln, and it was a good choice -- I saw no one but the cattle on this 20-minute trot. Felt good.

Among other things, the road leads to the snowmobile clubhouse a couple of miles out of town. It's also the road to trailheads for Stonewall Mountain, the one topped by a lookout straight north of town (and the one the "tall man" appears to be pointing at). A sign says the road isn't maintained in winter past the edge of town, but the adjacent ranch appears to plow it for a distance sufficient to cover my runs for the next few weeks. After that I'll have to try some other untraveled road. This one is less than a mile from my house.

Red Mountain, the highest in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, sits just on the other side of Stonewall, but you can't see it unless you go up mountains across the Blackfoot Valley to the south. Carlo and I climbed it a couple of years ago.

1.8; 4.9; 10.4; 10.4

Posted by Mose, 11:33 AM


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