Running on ...

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

What a difference a day makes

Discerning viewers of this log will recognize the scene above as identical to one in yesterday's post, except for the addition of about two inches of snow. That's what greeted me today — that and a 30 mph wind. I didn't see any scenes that could adequately show in a still photo that I ran today in a fairly constant ground blizzard. It snowed a little while I was out, but most of the snow flying around — and filling my footprints almost as soon as I passed — was the result of that wind.

Fortunately, it was relatively warm (about 30) so it wasn't too unpleasant, and it was pretty.

I duplicated yesterday's run exactly, and felt good. Had it not snowed, I might have gone farther.

This culvert crossing occurs within half a mile of my starting point on the west end of the snowmobile/ATV trail. I lose track of which creeks all these laced tributaries serve. I know some of them out on the lower trail are part of Keep Cool Creek, but this one runs near Sucker Creek Road, so it could be that. Anyway, it's kind of nice.

Didn't see any critters on today's run, except for the "slow elk" clustered in a thicket near the road on my way out (below).

I'll go to Great Falls late today for an early morning dental appointment (to fix the tooth I broke a long time ago), but I probably won't leave until the result of the Masters golf tournament is settled. This year's version of it has been more interesting than usual, and I've been spending more time than I should watching it.

4; 33; 46; 248.3
Posted by Mose, 7:56 AM


It's sure good to see that you're blogging regularly again, Mose.
Blogger Out there with Tom, at 3:12 PM  

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