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Friday, April 17, 2015

Yet another route

When I was looking at Google Earth the other day, I noticed yet another trail west from Sucker Creek Road, this one closer to the mountains but eventually winding up back at the same old pothole marsh and big meadow as several other runs I've made in the past week or so. This one took me across what I believe is Liverpool Creek without benefit of a bridge or culvert. There was a spot narrow enough to hop over just downstream from the road.

The route was fairly unspectacular, past a couple of marshes and minor side trails before hooking up with the aforementioned track I've been running. It took me again to the pothole marsh that I've photographed multiple times now. Couldn't resist today, though it seemed to be in deeper shadow.

It was colder today, 23 degrees when I started and about 27 when I finished. I was in the sun much of the time though so got a little warm. I saw what I thought might have been a pile of moose scat, but now that I've read a bit about it, I guess it was from a horse, though I saw no signs of horses on the trail or around it. Moose scat, it turns out, is similar to elk scat, but a little bigger and generally lighter in color with more vegetable matter in it. I'm sure I've seen it around too — I just figured it was older elk scat. Now I'll know to look more closely. (Fun running facts!).

Skipping tomorrow while traveling; probably will resume on Sunday. I'm eliminating the tenths of miles on my log at the end of each post. It was useful to me when I was just resuming and adding 1 or 2 tenths on each run, measured by vehicle. Now that I'm out on trails, I'll round 'em off based on my known speed (or lack of it) of running. If you've wondered what the numbers are and missed an earlier explanation, they are, in order, the distances from: this day; this week; this month; and this year.

4; 21; 67; 269
Posted by Mose, 8:08 AM


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