Running on ...

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Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Crowds of people!

Odd day ... I went a little later than usual, letting it warm up to the 50s, and there was an old guy walking on Herrin Lakes Road, another driving slow to run his big black lab, and a third vehicle parked at my usual spot to access the state land near the river.

I went back to the road network on the other side of the main road and headed toward the giant highland meadow. At the first turning, this "decoration" was on a tree, pointing down the road I planned to follow.

And in case you missed the first arrow, there also was this one. Not sure what they mean — future logging perhaps? The only changes I noticed down the road were that all the gates were closed and some minor trimming of slash had gone on near the road. Otherwise there was little evidence of visitation since the last time I was there. Saw plenty of signs of cattle, but only one critter, in the trees at the far west end of my route.

Beautiful day, temp in the high 50s, light breeze and sunny. The rest of the week is supposed to be nice. I go to GF tomorrow evening for a 7 a.m. doctor's appointment for my cloudy left eye. Hope it's nothing serious. I'll pick up a few supplies and be back here by Friday afternoon.

5; 10; 10; 791
Posted by Mose, 11:22 AM


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