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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Loosened up!

Tall man says good morning from the banks of the James River on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. My friend and I took a couple of days off from running to drive to Raleigh, N.C., Saturday to watch Nebraska's football team get the snot kicked out of it by Iowa (at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Steve, who went to school at Iowa) and to play some music with Steve and some of his NC State colleagues. That was a blast; I got to play keyboards and it was as much fun as I've ever had playing music. Good guys.

Today, we returned to the Robious Landing Park and plied the trails there. I felt much better, and I think it might be because I've been doing lots of knee-bending while standing around, loosening up the aching (and injured) joints.

I started on the loop east of the main road, then returned to my single-track trail and did a full around and back.

Saw a few other people out with dogs, and I heard, then saw, a pileated woodpecker. It definitely was a pileated, though it seemed a little smaller than the ones I have in Montana.

I also was interrupted into shutting off my story by a loud rustling noise. At first I thought the creek had been diverted into a rapid or waterfall, but then I figured out that it was a huge flock of some kind of birds high in the forest canopy. As I watched, they rousted themselves and took off across the river to the north.

3.5; 17.5; 28.5; 185.5
Posted by Mose, 8:24 AM


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