Running on ...

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Friday, February 17, 2017

Longer today

Today's post is for memory's sake more than for readers' interest — it shows the general course of the run from start to end so that I'll not forget it soon. This, therefore, is the road down from the parking area to the trail. Oh, and by the way, I went longer today than I've gone since starting a couple of months ago.

And this is where that road eventually ties into the trail next to the Pesa River.

And here's the Pesa River not far from the start. The trail follows the river both ways, but farthest to the east and south (the way I go).

Here's the scenery along the way. Note vineyards below and olive trees above. Absolutely classic Chianti/Tuscany.

Here's today's turnaround, which is more than 2 miles from the start. I felt good today after taking yesterday off with a stiff knee. Got a ton of writing done, though, so it was worth it both ways.

On the way back was this severely pruned orchard. Not sure what the trees are ... too big to be vines. Maybe some kind of fruit, though they don't really look like it.

4.5; 10; 10; 13

Posted by Mose, 3:04 AM


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