Running on ...

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Friday, March 24, 2017

Damn ... well, at least I can run again

After a six-day hiatus to nurse a sproinged back back to health, I ventured out to the snowmobile trail today and felt good enough. I was eagerly looking forward to that run last Saturday (18th), and I even was dressed for the run. As I made my bed before leaving, I evidently turned wrong or something, and my back went "sproing." I was laid up for two solid days, then nursed it for several more. It was cold this morning (26) so the trail would still be frozen.

This is, of course, Stonewall Mountain, which of course is still snow-covered.

Made it to the proverbial fork in the road; this is the left fork.

And this is the right fork. I met a fellow walking his dog on the way back.

This is the route back from the turnaround spot.

3; 3; 9.5; 43
Posted by Mose, 10:15 AM


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