Running on ...

HOME OF THE 'TALL MAN'... (And you can see the blog pictures below in much greater detail simply by clicking on them)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Warmer; other direction

The Tall Man is back, saying howdy from Keep Cool Creek north of Lincoln. The weather is warming up so the creeks probably will go up, too (they've gone down a bit in thepast four or five days). According to TV news the crests should hit around Friday. I've been watching them very closely lately, so I should be able to see how accurate the TV folks are.

I went west again from the same parking area as yesterday (when I went east). Felt great.

This is a good view of the stranded footbridge over Keep Cool. No critters today

3.5; 5.5; 42.5; 55.5
Posted by Mose, 11:37 AM


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