Running on ...

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Why I didn't run today, with pictures

This isn't the reason I didn't run; this is Toby, who's resting in bed in the morning. Also known as "Bunny Butt," he was slightly stir crazy overnight because he didn't want to go outside any more t han I did this morning.

This is the reason I didn't run today. It's more than a foot — 15 inches on the picnic table, where it didn't melt as it first hit the way it did on the ground. It took me an hour and a half to clear walks and the back driveway. It was so wet at ground level that it clogged my snowblower hopelessly. Had to clear it the old-fashioned way.

The backyard weather gauge isn't very informative.

Had to go to the store late in the morning. This is the parking lot at Van's Northside IGA. Because of the relatively warm ground, it's already starting to settle and melt.

This is one of the other cats, Callie, in the front window. C's car is visible, buried, in the background in front of the house.

Didn't run partly because of the snow (15 inches by my reckoning, and partly because of yesterday's longer run. I'll resume tomorrow, with YakTrax.
Posted by Mose, 10:48 AM


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