Running on ...

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Monday, November 09, 2015

Back to the beginning

I checked out the orange signs on the ATV/snowmobile trails east of town, thinking that perhaps hunting was not allowed there. Instead, they were just warnings that only hunters with mule deer permits for that district could hunt there for mule deer. Otherwise it was anything goes, so I headed back to town. Still, I was kind of bored trotting around in the sculpture garden, so I went back to Sucker Creek Road on the edge of town, where I first resumed running last January. It's boring, but at least it's in the country.

The view above is of the cattle in pastures along the road. I went past them and took the eastward track on the north edge of the pasture. While at the far end of my trot, the landowner came by, thinking I was a hunter. He didn't mind me running there and allowed as how it was smart that I was wearing orange. I suppose I will run in that area for the next couple of weeks, until the season ends.

This is the ubiquitous Stonewall Mountain, which dominates this particular piece of land's views.

And this is just the opposite direction. The sculpture garden lies somewhere in the trees in the distance.

It is cloudy and chilly (29), and snow is in the forecast for the next day or two. Felt fine. Going to write this morning.

3; 3; 11; 834
Posted by Mose, 9:14 AM


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